Healthy food or a balanced diet means a diet that leads to improving the health of the individual.Public health experts believe that health and beauty are based mainly on proper nutrition, rules, as the work and harmony of the body depends on the balance of the essential elements contained him by food intake. It is known that food consists mainly of the following basic food groups:Proteinaceous materialFatty substancesSugarsMineral elements and vitaminswaterDespite the fact that most foods contain a variety of nutrients, but we at the same time we do not find one food that can contain all the nutrients, to the nutrition and public health experts recommend that the different varieties of food intake but not limited to only one type.
Proteinaceous material
Intervention of these materials in the synthesis of red blood cells, and antibodies that play a key role in disease resistance. In addition, they are involved in the installation of hormones, and in the formation of clotting factors in the blood, which is supplying power to the body, so it should be human food contains the equivalent of 1 gram of protein per 1 kg of body weight.
And foods rich in protein substances:
the milk
And foods rich in protein substances:
the milk
Fatty substances
Many people believe that the fatty substances harmful to the body, and for this we find them do not eat fatty foods, while these fatty substances necessary for the body, it is the movement of certain vitamins to places absorbed in the body in order to take advantage of them, and for the conduct of independent operations, and to provide the body with energy, and because the fatty material burn slowly for this, it saves the person from feeling hungry, so comparing them with sugary substances.It should be noted that the fatty material that freezes at room temperature are called material fatty saturated or hydrogenated, which causes heart disease and blood vessels, obesity, diabetes and other diseases that threaten the health of the body, while the fatty material that remains liquid at room temperature are called heat unsaturated fatty substances which are beneficial to the body, and examples of vegetable oils.Nutrition experts advise the use of non-saturated fats in the food processing and salads, so take advantage of the medical impact in maintaining the integrity of the blood vessels and blood flow in without hindrance. This is important for everyone as it avoids its lethargy and kidney and heart attacks and angina stroke.There are those healthy fats in olive oil, flaxseed oil and seed oil, sunflower, and corn oil.The specialists also advises eating fish, light Vhamh Dhunh and contain the good fats such as omega -3. Viahbma if people eat my meal and fish each week.
Sugars are considered basic sources of energy, which in addition to the availability of some construction materials for tissues and organs of the body, and the most important sources of vegetables, fruits and grains.
Given the importance of sugars for this man must get enough of them amounts daily, although not available so the body does to secure its needs of the metabolism of fat and protein, and due to some disturbances may occur especially if not available, the basic inventory of these substances
Given the importance of sugars for this man must get enough of them amounts daily, although not available so the body does to secure its needs of the metabolism of fat and protein, and due to some disturbances may occur especially if not available, the basic inventory of these substances
Vitamins and minerals
Mineral elements play an important role in biological processes in the body, it regulates the process of construction and installation in the tissues and cells of the body, which is necessary to sustain life and enjoy health and wellness away from the disease and the body needs vitamins and minerals to perform its functions properly and must be obtained from the food we eat.
The human body contains 57 liters of fluid in his body, put on a daily basis 5 liters through urine, sweat and evaporation and breathing well. This is why the body need about eight glasses of water a day so as not to get any disturbances. It should be noted that man if he was aware of the basics of proper nutrition, it may be difficult to apply that did not realize the defect sites in nutrition, and how to correct them, the substances protein and fatty and sugary, vitamins and minerals and water, all of which are necessary for health and beauty, because any shortfall in one cause disorders that weaken body and adversely affect safety, so we recommend everyone of all ages need to diverse healthy food intake, which maintains the health, vitality and beauty.
Foods are recommended by specialists
Statistics indicate that 70% of the cancer returning to unhealthy habits such as smoking and lack of interest in fresh, cuisine. The statistics show the following distribution among the injured, a cancerous disease:
35% of them are due to malnutrition
30% of them are due to smoking
15% due to a genetic defect of the father or mother
3% due to alcohol
2% due to exposure to ultraviolet Oohah and the rest for various reasons rare
35% of them are due to malnutrition
30% of them are due to smoking
15% due to a genetic defect of the father or mother
3% due to alcohol
2% due to exposure to ultraviolet Oohah and the rest for various reasons rare
It is seen from that list that the human being can reduce the likelihood of cancer through: Refrain from smoking, eating foods useful advised by doctors prevent the disease. And foods that are recommended by specialists:
Green broccoli
Full flour
Green tea
This means that food is limited to those foods is not, but interest in taking it between now and then, and the reduction of red meat.
Green broccoli
Full flour
Green tea
This means that food is limited to those foods is not, but interest in taking it between now and then, and the reduction of red meat.
Food Department
Use the food department to explain the feeding process. Among the examples of this MyPlate logo [1], which is a symbol of the American government about good nutrition (as of 2 June 2011). This shows the logo, which was developed under the Obama administration, the groups recommended amounts. There's logo on cereal boxes and so forth. [2] And on the website of the education of the American government on nutrition, you can click on different parts of the logo so that the reader can move to different pages. [3]
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