الجمعة، 27 يناير 2017



Nutrition is the science of food explains a relationship with living organisms activities. From within that eat, and the expulsion of waste, and the launching of the energy of the body, and operations Altakliq.valtaam and drink Imdan human energy for each body functions vital, endures temperature at 37 ° C for proper functions of the body's vital, both during waking or during sleep. The energy extracted from food leads all human activities kinetic, think, whether it's reading a book, or an enemy in the race. Also, the food provides human material needed by the body to build and repair body tissues, and to regulate the work of its members and its organs. Aatherma and eat the food on our health directly. Food is healthy helps prevent incidence of certain diseases, it also helps the healing of other diseases.

And any meal unhealthy or inappropriate increase the risk of various diseases may infect humans. Harmonious and balanced meals the best way to ensure that the body all the food it needs. The best sources of human gets them on the needs of all the nutrients and vitamins, and minerals are vegetables and fresh fruit, as well as the different types of fish and meat, and dairy products.

Malnutrition of the key factors that are related to cases of deaths that occur for the elderly, as it is common in the elderly inpatients in hospitals, patients, and this leads to the length of stay elderly in hospital, resulting in a waste in health expenditure, it is known that with age occur changes physiological and functional, healthy and these changes vary degree and time of occurrence of the elderly to the elderly else. These changes that occur in the body of the elderly have.

Proper nutrition for humans

That nutrition and we mean here of healthy nutrition, it is a necessity for the growth of the human and the continuation of his life, but for Lhvaz on his health. Food is is the fuel that gives us energy and activity, and should be foods that are covered by each one of us a full and varied and appropriate quantities until the man is not exposed to many health problems, including: cardiovascular diseases - diabetes - a brain hemorrhage - osteoporosis - some types of cancer. The nutrition that gets used by one's childhood habits often followed throughout his life and difficult to change in old age. So you must bring up children on healthy eating habits.
According to nutrition experts, as nutritionist known Dr. Ralph Irani is noteworthy that proper nutrition must contain a sufficient amount of fiber (30 grams per day almost) eat whole grains (ie their skins) full as wheat and full of rice and as much as possible macerating and germination of some grain lentils, wheat and barley water and add it to the food authority.
The nature of the diet he needs for the child who needs an adult or a pregnant woman or an elderly person or patient. Each one of them his own needs from food. To learn about proper diet, we first have to clarify interrelationships between the following nutritional elements mentioned

Types of nutrients

Foods that we eat on thousands of different compounds and chemicals contain. However, the number of chemicals of utmost importance in maintaining our health does not exceed a few dozen. These are the nutrients that you should get it from the food we consume. It classifies nutrients nutrition scientists into six main groups:
5.omlah metal
Other 7.mgveat such as antioxidants and Alvetukemejkal (plant materials responsible for the color, smell and flavor in vegetables and fruit, have the ability to prevent cancer, or stroke, and metabolic syndrome.)

The first is called "macronutrients" the four groups because the body needs it in large quantities. The two groups Alokhrtan the body needs them in small quantities only, therefore Tzmian "micro nutrients." The water is needed in large quantities, because the body is made to a large extent of this article. Typically, about 50% to 75% of the weight of the human body consists of water.
The body needs large amounts of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, because these nutrients provide energy rights. Energy is measured in units of foods, called thermal price. Warming and the price is the amount of energy needed to raise the body temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius. And it equals the price per kilo in 1000 price. No listings give the number of calories in 100 grams of different foods unit "kilo price," or the so-called great price. This means that the "big thermal price" is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water one degree heat

Although the mineral substances and vitamins needed only in small amounts, but they are vital for the health completely, like other types of nutrients. The materials of mineral and vitamins needed for growth, and to maintain the fiber, regulate the functions of the body. [1]

Diversification of food, including fresh and the selection is the guarantee for the body to get everything he needs from the food properly

Perhaps the most important nutrient We can live without any of the other nutrients for several weeks, but we can not survive without water for about one week only. The body needs water to carry all his needs. And water solution helps to dissolve other nutrients and carry them to all other fibers. And chemical reactions that turn food into energy or tissue-building substances occur only in aqueous solution. As well as the body needs water to carry away waste and to cool itself. And Adults should consume about 2.4 liters of water per day. It can be done by eating refreshments we drink or water in our diet.


It includes all sugars and starches types, namely biology, which supplies the main source of energy. And provides each gram of carbohydrate the body about 4 calories. There are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates, all sugars, simple molecular structure. Complex carbohydrates, which include starches, molecular structure that larger and more complex, consisting of many simple carbohydrates linked together.
Most foods contain carbohydrates. The main sugar in food is sucrose, a plain white or brown sugar. There is another important is sugar lactose found in milk. There fructose, a very sweet sugar, extracted from most fruits and many vegetables. And foods containing starches, beans and bread types, and tortillas triticeum (B), maize grain, lotions starchy spaghetti and other similar foods that are made from flour, peas (peas) and potatoes regular and sweet both types.


Source of energy, high-density. And Each gram of fat provides 9 calories. It consists of all types of fat alcohol called glycerol and other substances called fatty acids. The fatty acid consists of a long chain of carbon atoms are connected to hydrogen atoms. There are three types of fatty acids are saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. It contains saturated fatty acid on the amount of hydrogen atoms as much as carbon chain can afford. A monounsaturated fatty acids lacking a pair of hydrogen atoms.In a polyunsaturated fatty acid carbon chain containing hydrogen atoms least four fewer than it could afford. The meal should contain some Polyunsaturated fatty acids because the body can not manufacture. These essential fatty acids and serve as the building blocks of membranes that form the outer limits of each cell in the body. There Polyunsaturated fatty acids in the oils of some plants, such as sunflower and sesame seeds in fish such as salmon and mackerel. And it includes regular sources of saturated fatty acids numerous olives and peanuts. Most of the saturated fatty acids found in foods derived from animals such as butter, dairy products and fatty red meat.


It provides the body with energy per gram four calories but above that of the most important building materials for the body. The muscles and skin and hair, for example, made up largely of proteins. In addition, each cell contains proteins called enzymes. These enzymes speed up chemical reactions. The cells can not function without these proteases. Proteins also act as hormones (chemical messengers) and antibodies to fight diseases. Proteins large, complex molecules made up of smaller units called amino acids. And the body must receive adequate amounts of 20 amino from amino acids. For the body the ability to make 11 of them in sufficient quantities. There are nine other acids are called essential amino acids, the body can not manufacture or can not be manufactured in sufficient quantities. Therefore it must be obtained from food.
The best sources of protein are cheese, eggs, fish and red meat, ie lean, and milk. It called proteins in these foods full of protein they contain all the appropriate amounts of amino acids. Cereal grains and legumes (pea family), lentils, nuts, vegetables, body protein plants. These proteins are called incomplete proteins because they lack the appropriate amounts of one or more of the essential amino acids. Although it can be a combination of the two incomplete proteins that provide the body with an integrated mixture of amino acids. , Beans and rice, for example, is full of proteins, but when Aaklan together provide the right balance of amino acids.

It needs to grow and maintain the structures of the body. Of sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron within it. The body needs to maintain the composition of the digestive juices and fluids that exist within and around the cells, and to build bones and teeth, iron for the production of blood hemoglobin, which is the process of breathing and acquiring oxygen from the air. As mentioned above, we need only small amounts of minerals in our daily meals. The diversification of their food from different vegetables and fruits, meat and dairy products ensures that we get what our bodies need them.Unlike vitamins, carbohydrates, fats and proteins, the minerals are inorganic compounds. This means that they are not formed by living organisms. Plants obtain minerals from water or soil, and animals get minerals that eat plants or animals that eat plants. In addition, they Unlike other nutrients are not broken down inside the body.And it includes the required minerals calcium, chlorine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulfur. Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus of the most important components of bones and teeth parts. In addition to this, the calcium is necessary for blood clotting. The richest sources of calcium are milk and milk products. And the availability of cereals, meat phosphorus. Whole grains, nuts, legumes, and green leafy vegetables are good sources of magnesium.However, there are some other metals required, but in very small amounts, and these are called metal elements affordable. Among these are chromium, copper, fluorine, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum elements, silicon and zinc. The iron of the most important of hemoglobin, the oxygen carrying molecule in red blood cells. Copper helps the body to take advantage of iron to build hemoglobin. And it needs to manganese and zinc in the completion of the normal functions of a number of proteases. The all green leafy vegetables and bread made from whole wheat and seafood, liver, and kidney good sources for many trace elements.


The vitamins are essential for good health. You must eat small amounts of these compounds in the daily meal. Vitamins regulate chemical reactions that the body converts food into energy and living tissues. There are 13 kinds of vitamins are: vitamin A, vitamin B complex, a group of eight B vitamins, vitamin c, and d, E, and K. Scientists vitamins and divided into two general groups, vitamins dissolved in fat, and vitamins dissolved in the water. The melt vitamins A, d, E, and K, in fats. The vitamin B complex and vitamin C dissolve in water. Vitamin A is essential for healthy skin and bone growth. Among the sources of this vitamin liver and green and yellow vegetables and milk.
1.vitamen B1, also called thiamine, which is necessary to convert the starches and sugars into energy. It is found in meat and whole grains.2.vitamen B2 or riboflavin is essential to complex chemical reactions that occur when the body's use of food. It is obtained vitamin B 2 of milk, cheese, fish, liver and vegetables.3.vitamen B6 is also called pyridoxine and pantothenic acid and pantothenic all play a role in the chemical reaction in the body. Many foods contain amounts of these vitamins.4.vitamen B12 and folic acid, or folacin and needs them for the formation of red blood cells and provide a healthy nervous system. There are vitamin B12 in animal products, especially the liver. Folic acid is found in green leafy vegetables.5.alaniasin part of the vitamin B complex. The cells need to niacin to release energy from carbohydrates. Liver, yeast, red meat lean, fish, nuts, legumes, contain niacin.6.vitamen C or ascorbic acid is necessary to maintain the ligaments, tendons, and other supporting tissue. There is this vitamin in the fruit, especially oranges and lemons as well as in potatoes.7.vitamen D is necessary for the body's use of calcium. There are cod liver oil in vitamin D fortified milk. Also, this vitamin is formed when skin is exposed to sunlight.8.vitamen or e Altocouvrol helps maintain cell membrane. Oils, vegetables and whole grain wafers especially rich in this vitamin. This vitamin and there are also small amounts in most kinds of meat, fruits and vegetables.9.vitamen as necessary for blood to clot properly. The Green leafy vegetables contain this vitamin, and also manufactured by bacteria in the intestines.

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